西餐前菜獨具風味 Humanoid小火龍600層遭融 G2率先得勝
09-02 02:03

The highly anticipated 2024 LEC annual championship finals between FNC and G2 began today. In the first game, G2 took an early advantage by securing two early dragons. Oscarinin's Kennen was killed by a dive from Hans Sama and Mikyx in the top and bottom lanes. In a teamfight in the top lane, Oscarinin's Kennen used Slicing Maelstrom in combination with Humanoid's Sylas who used his ultimate to melt G2's top, mid, and support players. FNC managed to secure the first Baron, keeping the game's economy balanced.

In the mid-game, G2 secured three consecutive dragons while FNC collapsed on all five G2 players in the bot lane, resulting in a double kill for Noah. FNC won a 1-for-5 teamfight, taking a 1k gold lead.

In the late-game, G2 took two more Baron buffs and Hans Sama's Kaisa solo killed the Elder Dragon. G2 pushed all three lanes and destroyed FNC's Nexus. In a decisive teamfight, G2 completely dominated FNC, ending the 51-minute battle and taking the first victory.

The first game's draft:

FNC (blue side): Oscarinin Kennen, Razork Sejuani, Humanoid Sylas, Noah Ezreal, Jun Leona

Bans: Ashe, Tristana, Braum, Lillia, Rell

G2 (red side): BrokenBlade Mundo, Yike Janna, Caps Twisted Fate, Hans Sama Kaisa, Mikyx Lulu

Bans: Yuumi, Miss Fortune, Maokai, Quinn, Renekton

Post-match details:

Game details:

[4:48] Razork ganks top lane, knocking up Mundo and allowing Kennen to secure first blood. In a subsequent exchange in the top lane, Janna and Kaisa rotate to top and kill Kennen, resulting in a 1-for-1 trade.

[6:04] FNC's four-man squad dives the bot lane, slowing down Twisted Fate with Kennen's Frozen Mallet, and securing a kill on him.

[7:50] Kennen tries to catch the wave in the bot lane but gets killed by Kaisa and Janna. Ezreal tries to follow, but narrowly misses Kaisa.

[10:26] Razork ganks mid lane, with Sylas using Kingslayer to slow down Twisted Fate, and Razork follows up with a sniper shot, securing a kill.

[12:36] G2's trio set up an ambush in the river and catch Leona. Janna uses her ult to knock up Leona, and Kaisa finishes her off. Leona flashes to escape but dies in the process.

[15:25] FNC starts the first dragon, but G2's four-man squad collapses on the dragon pit. FNC steals the dragon, but G2 secures two consecutive dragons, both being Cloud Dragons. G2 proceeds to push down the bot tower, taking a 1k gold lead.

[16:58] G2 sets up an ambush in the tri-brush in the bot lane. Sejuani face-checks the brush and gets heavily damaged. FNC's four-man squad arrives, with Sylas using Kingslayer to heal up and deal damage. G2's jungler and mid laner die, resulting in a 0-for-2 trade and narrowing the gold difference to within 1k.

[19:40] Mundo pushes the top lane while Sylas uses his teleport to flank from behind. FNC's three-man squad chases down Mundo, but he uses his ultimate to escape over the wall.

[21:18] A 4v4 fight breaks out in the top lane. Kennen uses Slicing Maelstrom in combination with Sylas' Kingslayer to melt G2's top, mid, and support players. Sylas secures a double kill, and FNC takes the first Baron. Kaisa takes down the mid tower for G2, keeping the game's economy balanced.

[26:12] A teamfight breaks out at the dragon pit. Sejuani knocks up Twisted Fate, but gets taken down by him. Ezreal secures a kill on Lulu, and Sylas finishes off Twisted Fate. FNC secures a 1-for-2 trade and takes the second dragon, gaining a 2k gold lead.

[29:52] A teamfight erupts in the mid lane. Leona gets knocked up, and Twisted Fate pulls her towards G2's team. Kaisa kills the Infernal Dragon and secures the reset, while Janna finishes off Sejuani. FNC loses 2 members, resulting in a 2-for-3 trade and G2 securing the third dragon, shifting the gold lead back in their favor, with a 1k advantage.

[33:33] G2 pushes down the bot lane. Janna knocks up Sejuani, allowing Kennen and Ezreal to flank and secure a double kill. Mundo sacrifices himself as his teammates die, resulting in a 1-for-5 teamfight and FNC taking down the bot lane tier two tower, gaining a 1k gold lead.

[36:53] G2 starts the Baron, but Sylas uses Kingslayer to harass them. Twisted Fate and Lulu secure the Baron, but Sejuani engages and kills Lulu. Sylas then kills Twisted Fate, and Ezreal picks off Janna. FNC's four-man squad pushes down the mid lane and takes down G2's inhibitor, gaining a 2k gold lead.

[38:17] FNC takes the third dragon, and both teams prepare for the Elder Dragon. G2 engages and charms Sylas with Lulu's Whimsy, resulting in a 1-for-1 trade.

[39:42] FNC pushes down the mid lane, but Kennen gets picked off by Lulu and Twisted Fate. The gold remains even.

[43:43] Another teamfight breaks out at the dragon pit. Kaisa continuously auto-attacks the dragon, and G2 secures the Elder Dragon buff. G2 gains a 1k gold advantage.

[45:12] G2 takes the Baron buff again, and FNC arrives late. Kennen gets caught by Janna's Monsoon, resulting in a 3k gold advantage for G2.

[47:10] G2 pushes down all three lanes and destroys FNC's inhibitors. In a teamfight, Lulu uses her ultimate to bring Sejuani back to the team. Ezreal kills Twisted Fate and Janna, securing a double kill. The teams trade 2 kills for 2 kills, but G2 takes down two Nexus turrets and retreats. G2 maintains a 4k gold lead, while Humanoid's Sylas reaches 600 stacks.

[50:22] G2 takes down two members of the Elder Dragon and remains 4k gold ahead.

[50:49] G2 pushes down the top lane, Kaisa kills Leona and Sylas, while Mundo finishes off Sejuani. G2 annihilates FNC, takes down their Nexus, and claims the first victory.

